Transform Your Future with Three Stages Childcare Center
THE CREATIVE CURRICULUM ® for Preschool is a comprehensive, scientifically-based curriculum, linked to an assessment system that addresses teachers’ math, science, social studies, arts, and technology content to be taught, based on published standards. It relates directly to the subject area curricula used in elementary schools, so children’s learning in preschool forms the basis of all of the learning that will follow. Its distinguishing features are a framework for decision making and a focus on interest areas. The Creative Curriculum ® for Preschool is inclusive of all children-those developing typically, children with disabilities, and English language learners (Dodge, 2002).


Welcome to Three Stages Learning Center
TOOL OF THE MIND CURRICULUM which started in 1992, is the result of collaborative work between Russian and American educational researchers based on the theories of Lev Vygotsky. Utilizing the Vygotskian approach, a series of strategies were created to support metacognitive and meta-linguistic skills as well as other skills essential to literacy development. Play is the central teaching tool, within a scaffolded learning environment that focuses on giving children the tools they need that will lead to the development of higher mental functions (Bodrova & Long, 2007). Techniques include teacher’s facilitation of children’s construction of individual play plans and asking children to describe multiple, imaginative uses for open-ended objects such as blocks. Central to the approach is the use of scaffolded writing to help children recognize words as units, work with the sounds that make up words, and and use letters to represent those sounds. The program emphasizes that young children must build strong speaking and social skills and be able to exercise emotional and behavioral control (self-regulation) before they can learn to read.